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Silent Migraine Symptoms And The Best Natural Treatments

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

Silent migraine symptoms are similar to all of the classic migraine symptoms. They just miss the pain part. Here is a list of the symptoms to help you identify them so you can manage them better.

Natural Silent Migraine Symptom Treatment Tips

The other slight difference is that typically the symptoms unaccompanied by the pain phase are not enough to put you in bed for days on end.

However, just like a classic migraine they can be disabling and disruptive to your everyday life.

Or not!

One of my friends has dots in his peripheral vision and that’s it.

A client gets this feeling, then she has some lemon, fresh ginger and salt in water, and her lethargy and mental fatigue lift and she is good as gold.

Some individuals, in these cases, after being diagnosed with silent migraine symptoms have it easy.

Some of us do not!

So come on over and share your most annoying migraine headache symptom.

I think it's also helpful to understand the 4 phases of migraine. You might be missing the pain phase, but getting all the others. 

Click here to read more about the 4 phases: prodrome, aura, headache and postdrome.

My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements

Common Silent Migraine Symptoms

Here is a list of some common symptoms.

The physical and emotional symptoms you might get include:


    •  nausea

    •  vomiting

    •  abdominal pain

    •  thirst

    •  fatigue

    •  diarrhea

    •  food cravings

    •  loss of appetite

    •  increased urination

    •  cold hands and feet

    •  hot flushes or chills

    •  fatigue


•  confusion

•  amnesia

•  irritability

•  mood changes

•  euphoria

Aura Symptoms You Might Get

Aura symptoms include:

•  wavy air, zig zag, lightning bolts or jagged lines (aka fortification illusions)

•  flashing, shimmering or flickering lights

•  blind spots in your vision

•  visual disturbances – tunnel vision, blurry vision

•  seeing halos around objects

•  disruptions in hearing or hearing loss – (aka auditory hallucinations)

•  over sensitivity to smells or taste

•  tingling or numbness, feeling pins-and-needles

•  dizziness, vertigo

•  difficulty remembering words

•  speech difficulties – difficulty saying words

•  weakness in limbs and clumsiness

Some common silent migraine symptoms are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, thirst, fatigue, diarrhea, food cravings, confusion, mood changes. No headache is involved and it should only last from 15 - 30 minutes... it's usually no longer than one hour.

Like I said silent migraine symptoms sound just like classic migraine symptoms. Each migraine and each migraineur have different experiences in and around their attacks. Silent migraine sufferers just have symptoms with no pain.

To learn more click here - silent migraine.


  First sign of a migraine attack

Natural Treatments

Herbs like Black willow, Jamaican dogwood, passion flower, valerian, or wood betony can be taken at the first warning sign.


Boswellia tablets with 100 mgs boswellic acid or Curaphen® a bioavailable form of curcumin called BCM-95 can be taken as an alternative to the anti-inflammatory medications for pain relief.


My favorite is ginger, but these herbs also help stop nausea associated with migraine: black horehound, chamomile, goldenseal and meadowsweet.

Peppermint or spearmint essential oils can be inhaled or used in a hot bath to relieve nausea.

My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements

Consider Taking Magnesium and Calcium

If you have soft nails with vertical or horizontal ridges, this can be a sign of calcium deficiency.

And you may already know that migraine sufferers commonly are low in magnesium.

Flaking or white spots can also indicate low zinc levels.

The body needs good levels of vitamin B6 and magnesium and potassium to work effectively.

Lack of these vitamins can exacerbate muscle tremors, cramps, high blood pressure, and you guessed it, migraines.

Now just because you have silent migraine symptoms with no pain does not mean that all of this is not still going on underneath it all. It can be. 

There is a commonly agreed upon ratio of 2:1 calcium to magnesium that’s important too. But this can vary depending on what your other variables are. 

Calcium has a "diurnal metabolism" which means it's stored in your bones during the day and released during the night.

Magnesium and calcium are best taken at night before bed time as they will help you sleep as well.

Depending on what your migraine was triggered by, if muscle tension is a problem, for example, you might consider taking a multivitamin mineral supplement with breakfast to provide co-factors, and then take the other two both at night.

If muscle tension is a problem taking magnesium twice a day is safe – 650 milligrams per dose. Just watch out for diarrhea if you take too much. And reduce the dose.

What Do You Do That Works?

Tell me your most annoying migraine symptom too, and what you do to stop it.

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1. Neil Lava MD (2015) What are Silent Migraines? Available [Online] and Accessed Jul 7, 2016.
2. Garlick, Janelle (2001) Natural Treatments for Migraine. Universal WellBeing Issue 85. pp. 34-36.