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Ways To Stop A Migraine Attack With One Simple Device

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

Ways to stop a migraine attack with Migraine Stopper™️ @migrainesavvyWays to stop a migraine attack with Migraine Stopper™️

Mr. Adam Meredith, Inventor and CEO of The Migracorr Migraine Stopper® answered some questions for me about his new device that’s helping a lot of migraine sufferers end their pain filled attacks and it's ALL natural

It uses an air valve that provides gentle but precise air pressure into your ear drum.

And it targets 2 nerves, unlike the other ones on the market currently that only target one. Mr. Meredith's device hits the trigeminal nerve and vagus nerve.

Here's what you need to know before we get to the questions he answered for me.

The 5 Simple Steps You Take

The Migraine Stopper™ can be used for both an acute attack and as prevention. As soon as you start to experience a migraine, this is what you do:

  1. Place the earpiece in the ear. Push and keep holding down the valve.

  2. Squeeze and release rubber bulb for 1 cycle (1 cycle = 30 pumps).

  3. If symptoms improve, repeat 1 more cycle.

  4. After several cycles, the symptoms of the migraine may be reduced or gone.

  5. If symptoms have not improved fully, you can repeat the above in the opposite ear. The symptoms should then have improved. 

Important Things You Need To Know About The Migraine Stopper™️. It is...

  • Clinically trialled - 5 years clinical testing in Australia.
  • Fast acting - relief is typically felt within minutes!
  • Designed to be used at the first sign of an impending attack.
  • Indicated for acute treatment of migraine with or without aura in adults.
  • Used for migraine prevention in adults.
  • Handheld and small. It's easy to carry with you anywhere!
  • A natural remedy - no drugs or prescriptions necessary.
  • Using an air valve that provides gentle but precise air pressure into your ear drum.
  • Targeting both the trigeminal nerve and vagus nerve.
  • A drug-free treatment with NO drug side effects.

Plus it's... Portable. Affordable. Lightweight. One-off purchase, no refills, unlimited uses!

The device is placed in your ear... in case I didn't say that yet!

The Migraine Stopper™ is what medicine calls a neuromodulation device. What is neuromodulation? It is the activation of a specific nerve that helps alleviate symptoms in a patient @migrainesavvyThe Migraine Stopper™ is what medicine calls a neuromodulation device. What is neuromodulation? It is the activation of a specific nerve that helps alleviate symptoms in a patient.

Clinically Tested For 5 Years!

The Migraine Stopper™ is the result of over 5 years of clinical testing conducted in Australia. The product is based on the research found in clinical trials published in Functional Neurology Rehabilitation and Ergonomics.

This research found that the majority of patients "experienced rapid, complete or near-complete relief from their headache".

This study is considered to be groundbreaking showing that ear insufflation ( the technique of putting air pressure in the ear) can be an effective intervention in the elimination of migraine symptomatology.

Migraine stopper was clinically tested for 5 years @migrainesavvyMigraine Stopper™ was clinically tested for 5 years in Australia.

Who can use this device?

It works on different types of migraine because it treats the cause and not the symptoms.

So adults diagnosed with:

  • Migraine with aura
  • Migraine without aura
  • Menstrual migraine
  • Barometric migraine
  • Episodic migraine
  • Ocular migraine
  • Silent migraine
  • Vestibular migraine
  • Abdominal migraine
  • Chronic migraine
  • Migraine with brainstem aura* 

*(MBA) is a type of migraine headache with aura that is associated with pain at the back of the head on both sides.

What are the side effects?

No drug side effects from the Migraine Stopper™️ have been reported.

During the 18 months clinical trial, there were no reported adverse side effects from using the Migraine Stopper. The migraine relief valve increases the safety of the device to use and helps to ensure a correct level of air pulsing each and every time it is used.

~ Mr. Adam Meredith

And now to the Q&A... for easy ways to stop a migraine attack in its tracks.

Migraine Stopper™️

Q&A with Adam Meredith, Inventor and CEO of The Migracorr Migraine Stopper®

Click to watch it on YouTube

Mr. Adam Meredith, Inventor and CEO of The Migracorr Migraine Stopper™️ @migrainesavvyMr. Adam Meredith, Inventor and CEO of The Migracorr Migraine Stopper®

What made you investigate new ways to stop a migraine attack?

We had great success in our clinics with different pain syndromes and pain relief, I have 4 clinics in Sydney, but I wasn't getting the results I wanted with migraine. Plus I discovered after a little research, just how underfunded migraine relief is by our governments.

So I started investigating neuromodulation devices. I felt driven to help my clients put an end to suffering so much pain.

What is different about the Migraine Stopper™️ device? 

It can be used as preventive and acute therapy. To tell you what's different... let me tell you how it works.

How it works

The Migraine Stopper™ is an innovative patented ear pump operated by the migraine patient. It works by using gently and precise positive and negative air pressure to stimulate two nerves in the ear for the goal of migraine relief.

It is designed to stimulate the trigeminal nerve and vagus nerve to calm down the over-excited brain stem. Overly excited brain stems are at the very core of why people suffer migraines. 

The device is what medicine calls a neuromodulation device. What is neuromodulation? It is the activation of a specific nerve that helps alleviate symptoms in a patient. 

The Migraine Stopper™ works by supplying a gentle and precise positive and negative air pressure in your ear canal. This helps to create a steady, reliable, and moderate push and pull effect on the ear canal and eardrum. 

Doing this causes the stimulation of two specific cranial nerves, the trigeminal nerve and the vagus nerve. The trigeminal and vagus nerve are very well researched by medicine to be involved in migraines and their treatments. It stimulates both the migraine fighting nerves at the same time. 

Current research shows that when the trigeminal nerve and vagus nerves are stimulated, they have a neuromodulation effect of soothing an overactive trigeminal nucleus in the brain stem. This helps to relieve the pain of a migraine. What's more... daily use of the Migraine Stopper™ is thought to rewire an overly active trigeminal nucleus allowing for less migraine attacks in the future.

Here is the link if you want to see exactly how it works - How To Use The Migraine Stopper™

More Ways To Stop A Migraine

Ways To Stop A Migraine - Migraine Stopper Tips @migrainesavvyConsider adding these new routines as ways to stop a migraine: get morning sunlight and use blue blocking glasses at night.

Mr. Meredith also suggests these 4 tips to as ways to stop a migraine and to start your journey towards a migraine-free life:

  1. Use the Migraine Stopper™ daily as a preventative.

  2. Use it whenever a migraine attack starts (asap).

  3. Get 15 minutes of morning sunlight on your face. Don't look directly at the sun. No glasses or contacts.

  4. Block any blue light from devices as soon as it gets dark.

Key Takeaways

  • It will ship to and work anywhere in the world!
  • This technology is backed by 5 years of clinical trails in Australia.
  • It provides us with a portable, lightweight solution we can carry with us - to use anywhere, anytime.
  • One-off purchase, no refills, and it has unlimited uses!
  • Current price of $249 (AUD) or ($175 US) and it has a 90 day money back guarantee.

Some of the other ways to stop a migraine using other (more costly) devices currently are: Cefaly, electroCore’s GammaCore, Nerivio and eNeura sTMS.

Where You Can Find It

Here's where you can find the Migraine Stopper™️

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How to be more MIGRAINE SAVVY right now...

Ways To Stop A Migraine With Migraine Stopper Case Study:
1. Sullivan, D.B., (2013) Ear insufflation as a novel therapy which produces rapid relief of migraine headache - Case Series. Functional Neurology Rehabilitation and Ergonomics - Funct Neurol Rehabil Ergon 2013;3(1):93-107. Available [online] at:

Ways to Stop a Migraine Updated Sept. 18, 2021 & Apr. 4, 2022