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How To Build A Solid Migraine Support Network. And Why!

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

Are you looking for a better migraine support system?

If you’re here, then I assume you are. Let’s look at what professionals you might need in your support network and why you need to consider building a team to help you find your best way forward.

How To Build A Solid Migraine Support Network @migrainesavvyHow To Build A Migraine Support Network That Will Steer You In The Right Direction @migrainesavvy

Migraine is a debilitating disease that can affect every single aspect of your life, interfering without warning in your ability to do your work, control your mood or your keep appointments and plans you’ve made with others. [2]

Living with migraine is an endless challenge, so having a good support team can help you understand things and lighten the load. Without appropriate support, you might slip into depression. I’m going to touch a little on depression soon.

You are not alone in suffering from migraine, there are millions of us. I know just knowing that doesn’t make anything easier… but what it does do is provide us with some professionals that know how to treat long term chronic migraine more effectively.

My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements

Why? Because Depression Rates Are Higher In People Living With Migraine Headaches

There are many new theories around what depression really is. Thank goodness! Some say that depression is just an expanded state of awareness.

Dr. Christiane Northrup says in her CD "The Power of Joy" that if you aren't depressed, then you just don't know what's really going on.

Depression rates are climbing daily. We are not coping! Can you deal easily with the added stress and curve balls that life can throw at you?

Never mind adding a debilitating neurological medical condition on top of it and trying to managing it all with some dignity and compassion.

Coping with a chronic medical condition like this can become increasingly difficult and unbearable. The longer it goes on, the more it can destroy in your life.

So... if you feel you need some extra support to deal with this debilitating disease, then don't wait.

The statistics for suicide is higher among individuals with chronic pain and that includes migraine.

Finding a psychologist and counselor that I could work with was one of the best steps I ever took on this pain journey. Once I put my pride aside, I couldn't believe how I survived so long without it.

The impact goes far beyond the pain with this brutal and disabling condition. Learning new coping skills by getting some help now might just make your life much much easier to cope with, now and in the future.

Like I said, learning new coping skills was one of the best things I ever did. I highly recommend it.

If it sounds too hard to find someone to talk with, then I have another option for you. I've written and developed a course to help you alleviate anxiety and depression. Here's the link...

Don't Be Too Ashamed To Get Some Extra Migraine Support

Please don't let your pride get in the way of getting some migraine support... like I did for too many years.

Looking back.. the smartest thing I have ever done was to learn better coping skills.

I studied holistic counseling for four years and worked in the field long before I saw a counselor myself. I thought I could sort this all out by myself. Wrong!

I can still remember it... like it was yesterday. I was so nervous. 

I recall feeling like I had my tail between my legs as I walked up to the counselors office. 

And... I can still remember the first thing she said to me... it was "do you have a pain management strategy?" I freaked out and snarked "what do you know about pain?"

She said calmly, "while actually I got my psychology degree from my hospital bed. I broke every bone in my body, and I thought I'd better do something during my long recovery."

I was shocked. Here was someone who could help me.

I tell you this so you don't give up. Don't lose hope... persevere. If I can make it through this, to the other side, so can you.

I have complete faith in your abilities. After all, you have already read to this part of this page and that takes commitment to learning and change already.

Asking for extra migraine support and help can be really hard.

So let me tell you just how easy it can be to get additional migraine support and the other key points to consider in building your support team.

How To Build A Support Network To Direct And Guide You

1. Find an understanding headache specialist

You should have a good relationship with your headache specialist or neurologist since living with migraine means spending a lot of time with them. Your doctor should make you feel comfortable, listen to your concerns and prescribe you treatment that you both agree on. [1]

If they don't... look for another one. Get a referral to another specialist.

2. Get referrals to a counselor or psychologist that specializes in pain management

Get referrals to other allied healthcare professionals, especially a counselor or psychologist that specializes in pain management or specifically long term, chronic migraines. 

Whether you are stressed out emotionally or just wanting some guidance, find a qualified professional who is available to provide support and assistance, and who you feel completely comfortable with.

I think it's best if you can find someone to see face to face, in person, to help you find strength for this migraine journey. Now with instant internet access you can have access to certified and licensed professional counselors almost instantly.

But it's hard to know who to trust online. Let me tell you how I can help... but first, let's talk a little bit about depression.

Being a qualified counselor myself, I recommend finding only professional therapists... ask for credentials. Anyone can call themselves a counselor (at least here in Australia they can).

Don't be afraid to ask them if have previous experience with pain management and migraines specifically. Getting the right migraine support, emotionally, is essential to surviving chronic migraine.

Don't let chronic migraine destroy you. 

3. Speak to your friends and family about your migraine

Educate your friends and family if they don't already know about migraine headaches. You can talk to them too, but I think professionals are better for the deep, dark, scary stuff that can come up from time to time. Pain can take its toll... that's for sure.

4. Find a community to become engaged with

It’s tempting to spend your never-ending headache days hiding in a dark room away from any noise and other triggers that makes the pain worse. However, that can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety, and isolate you from your family, friends and community. [1]

Join an online migraine support group.

The worldwide internet has made living with chronic pain less isolating, especially on days where leaving the house is not an option for you. 

There are so many excellent support groups for migraine on Facebook. If you have a hard time choosing, here are my top 3:

And Migraine Savvy is on Facebook with over 6,000 peeps.

5. Plan ahead for attacks

Schedule some free time through the week to allow time for migraines and recovery. If you know your pattern, this will be easy. No so much if there's no pattern.

Think about pacing yourself.  Don’t try to get everything done on your non headache days and be flexible with what gets done and when.

Think about forming routines, the migraine brain loves routine.

Invest in your overall health... stay hydrated and exercise.

Getting some professional migraine support can be life changing for coping with this condition. If the relentless, regular attacks are destroying parts of your life, it's good to have some guidance, a confidant and ally. I've written and developed three courses if you want help from me (qualified counselor) right now.

3 Ways I Can Help Right Now

Until next time, be well and be as pain free as humanly possible,


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How to be more MIGRAINE SAVVY right now...

Migraine Support Page References:
1. American Migraine Foundation (2018) Why You Need a Migraine Support Network Available [online] at:
2. American Migraine Foundation (2017) Who Is In Your Migraine Support System? Available [online] at: