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Migraine Savvy Monthly Newsletter Issue 21 Nov 30th 2012 Your Free Starter Kit
November 30, 2012

Your Free Starter Kit

November 2012 – Issue 21 – Your Free Starter Kit

The Continuing Pursuit for Migraine Elimination and Pain Reduction

Editors Note: I just decided to create a Migraine Starter Kit to give away for free for subscribing to my monthly e-zine. While you have already subscribed – I didn’t want you to miss out.

Please print it off so you have some more tools to work with to become more Migraine Savvy!

What's New at Migraine Savvy This Month

If you would like to print out your free copy of the Migraine Savvy Starter Kit - please click here to receive instant access.

It comes complete with a monthly calendar, medication notes and tracker, some easy neck and back exercises and a basic meditation with links to a few more.

I use the calendar and medication notes almost everyday to keep track of my migraine frequency, severity and triggers. I use the neck and back exercises and the meditations almost every day to stretch out tense muscles and relax.

The medication tracker I only use when I trial new medications and for new doctors or specialists. I provide more details in the starter kit. These 5 things have been crucial over the years, so I hope you find them helpful too.

Plus - Did You Know

Plus - Did you know that I am now offering telephone counseling around the world via Skype video or via telephone with vCita conferencing?

That's right, from the privacy and comfort of your own home; you can get professional counseling from me. I have an online booking system to make it even easier to schedule a session. So, please contact me anytime, book in anytime, and we will talk as soon as possible.

My hourly rate is $120.00. For the month of December, I am offering a half price deal to test out the new system. It is also my Christmas present to you! If finances are a problem, please let me know. We can work something out so its affordable for you.

Merry Christmas in advance to you and to all of those you love. I hope you and they are warm, dry, safe, and healthy.

Ask the Editor

Do you have a question you’d like to ask the editor on this topic? If so please click here to contact me. I will respond as soon as possible.

Your Input – Tell YOUR Migraine Story

This is a safe forum to express your troubles – tell your story – show your art - find solutions with new ideas - and get professional health advice . Just click on the links underlined above if you would like to contribute.

Remember that your contribution will help others too! We are not in this alone, even though it feels like it most of the time. Our stories and input can help each other.

My Question to You

Do you keep records of your migraines? Please click here to tell us.

The next issue is: Issue 22 – Migraine Relief Secrets

Stay tuned for our free 5 week e-course. Yup it's FREE!

I hope you ENJOYED this (new) issue of Surviving Chronic Migraine!

If you’ve missed an issue click here to read the back issues.

And before I forget!

Please send this to your friends and family. It’s time to spread the word about Migraines and educate our loved ones! They can click on this link to subscribe as well.

I wish you Migraine FREE Life full of fun and adventure, and peace and tranquility should you desire that too. Talk to you next month.

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