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How else can I help you?
July 10, 2019

How else can I help you?

A Look At The Whole Picture Now

Hello my friend, now that we’ve been through so much information on how to reduce migraine attacks together, I just want to be sure that you know of all the ways that I can help you.

Grab a cuppa (Australian slang for coffee or tea), this is a long one. I want to give you the whole picture now of what I can do to help you reduce pain and suffering (where humanly possible!)

It's feasible that the free content is enough for you. That's fantastic! But if you want to go further, here are a few other things to investigate...

Below, I provide quick details about each of my products. To see more details, just click on the associated link. I list the free stuff too, so be sure to read right to the end.


My pain management course covers everything migraine.

Do you suffer with break through pain?

Do you feel out of control?

Have you lost way too many hours of your life to migraine attacks?

Is your job or career being threatened?

A BIG perk of this course is that you get access to over 20 years of my professional counselling experience and over 26 years of my personal experience with chronic, relentless migraine attacks. And access to my private Facebook support group.

If you’re ready to add more tools to your tool kit, here’s the link...

Yes! Take Me To The Course >> Migraine Pain Management Course

Do you struggle with depression and or anxiety?


This course shares practical ways to help manage depression and anxiety for migraine sufferers - using CBT, strategic journaling and mindfulness-based techniques.

It covers the two most comorbid conditions that accompany migraines, and that’s anxiety and depression.

We cover all the basics, but in THIS course, I want to give you some tools you can use RIGHT NOW… and right when you need them, so you can manage your migraines with confidence and reduce those disabling emotional states with some good tools.

In the first video we’ll cover some basics - like how to even know if you have anxiety and some alarming statistics. And we’ll touch on suicidal thoughts and other risks involved.

I’ll show you - 3 Tips to Reduce Anxiety ASAP.

We’ll look at natural solutions and what treatments yield the best results for migraine, anxiety and depression? THE 4 treatments if you have all three conditions.

You’ll learn some key things that help anxiety & depression and some key things to do if you get migraines.

That’s all in the first video. There’s six modules in total and last but not least, my top movement exercises from Qigong to help lift depression, reduce anxiety and relieve tension often caused by repeated migraine attacks.

P.S. A Qigong Master demonstrates for us!

Spiraling out of control? Click here for details...

How to Manage Anxiety >> Managing Anxiety & Depression Course

Are your migraines triggered from stress? Or are your migraines creating more stress in your life?


We all need to reduce stress... right? But you need it even more if you live with debilitating chronic migraines.

There are millions of meditations out there, but it's hard to find ones specifically designed to target migraines and help heal the body, until now. Anxiety and stress can be significantly amplified for us.... before an attack, during an attack, and after an attack. And sadly, can overrun your whole life... not just around the attacks.

Finding What Works

You will get to experiment with a variety of techniques to help you click your body into rest and digest instead of stress mode:

- Guided Meditations
- Mindfulness Meditations
- Energetic Healings
- Hypnosis

The ten meditations can last a year depending on how often you listen to them... you can listen to them every night to help you relax and drift off to sleep easier.

If you are tired of letting stress, anxiety and migraines get the better of you and you want to start applying strategies that will actually comfort you during the storm - take action and ENROLL NOW!

To The Meditation Course >> Migraine Relief Meditations Course


Also... did you know that I have a book called Migraine Management? It's available on Amazon. It won a literary award... [blushing].

You can read about it here - Migraine Management: How To Reduce Anxiety, Manage Pain and Prevent Attacks

It's not just the book... you get links to all the downloadable worksheets to help anchor in the process I teach.

The best part... it's only $3.49 on kindle and it's available in paperback too.

My Book on Amazon >> Migraine Management Book

But wait! There's more...


Currently (it's always growing) I have over 370 pages of free content on my website

You know about the free workshop right? If not, here’s the link to join >> Join the FREE Workshop

If you’re newly diagnosed with Migraines, I have a 5 week free e-Course that’s delivered via email called Migraine Relief Secrets: How To Get Natural Pain Relief. Click here >> Migraine Relief Secrets 5 week e-course


That’s it, you’ve got the whole picture now of all the ways I can help.

I'm so appreciative that you stay in touch and allow me into your inbox each month... do take care of yourself.

Until next time, stay well and be pain free... as pain free as possible,


Stay in touch...

You can see more of my posts here: Migraine Savvy Blog

And here's a BIGGIE...

You need to make sure you whitelist my email address:

... and mark all my emails as "important" if you're using Gmail.


Also, make sure you're following me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest because I also announce new content updates on these platforms regularly, and I don't want you to miss out.

So join me on... Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest

If someone you know is suffering too, please share this link.

Please share this with your migraine suffering friends and family.

They can click on this link to join the mailing list as well.

2 Ways I Can Help Right Now...

#1. If you want to learn some techniques to help reduce stress, here's a link to my eBook: Migraine Management: How to Reduce Anxiety, Manage Pain and Prevent Attacks

#2. You can get a lot of free information in my Migraine Pain Management Course as module one is free. You can learn about the basics and how to get your best chance at aborting your next attack. What are you waiting for? It's FREE!

The contents of this email is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This email does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical concerns and conditions.

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