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The Best Time to Accept Pain - Migraine Savvy Newsletter #47 Aug 10th
August 10, 2015

The Best Time to Accept Pain

August 2015 – Issue 47

The Continuing Pursuit for Migraine Elimination and Pain Reduction

The best time to accept pain is when it starts. When you doubt yourself or your abilities because of the pain. When you hate your body for betraying you. When you fail to show up at your child’s sporting event.

When you yell at someone because you are in so much pain, you can’t think straight. When you disappoint a loved one and your heart hurts too.

If you get a sharp pain in your head that feels quite different to your 'normal' migraine, and it feels scary, please see your doctor asap or if it’s really intense get to your closest emergency department. Any severe pain in the head is to be taken seriously.

It is at our toughest times we need to accept that pain is part of our lives. That is not to say to let it control your life. There are many ways that we can take back some of the control.

Where does this come from you ask? From years of doing focusing therapy where you take some time to learn how to just say hello to the pain and get some distance from it.

Acknowledge it.

By acknowledging the sensation of the migraine you can bring yourself to take action, instead of trying to ignore it.

With a migraine attack, they rarely disappear. In my experience, they never do.

The inspiration for this quote "I totally and completely accept myself with this pain" comes from tapping.

If you re not familiar with the tapping method - this is a really short version - you can gently tap on your forehead as you say this to yourself, yes out loud is better. But just to yourself is fine too.

And then tap on your heart while you repeat it. Repeat three times at least in both locations.

Just tap with your index or middle finger until you feel some energy move. It normally only takes a few minutes. But this is helping to shift the energy in those meridian channels.

Name one way you have found to accept your pain with this condition. Please click here to share your answer(s) in the Facebook comments box at the bottom of the home page.

Essential Migraine Tools

Building resilience all starts with having a plan. A solid pain management plan. These are my four pillars of strength.

Pillar One - Information + Education = Options + Choices

Build Your Own Migraine Tool Kit - Here is my article with eleven steps on exactly how to do it yourself! It has all the forms you need to print out and step by step instructions to navigate your way through effective chronic pain management.

Pillar Two - Meditation and Biofeedback Training

I highly recommend reading Cynthia Perkin's Mindfulness Over Migraines e-book that explains the science behind mindfulness and why it helps migraines. And she explains the method step by step that she uses to eliminate her migraines in 15 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly ... eliminate in 15 minutes. It will be the best $6.99 you ever spend!

Timing is everything when aborting a migraine attack.

Wild Divine Biofeedback is an essential part of keeping my migraines at bay. Learning to control breath and body temperature could assist in reducing migraines or eliminating them all together if they are stress related. Meditation is proven to help reduce migraine attacks. This system will teach you all of that. I love mine.

Pillar Three - Eliminate Potential Food Triggers

Dr. Amy Myers Elimination Diet eCourse is much easier than doing it yourself - like I did. It is vital to find our migraine food triggers, and avoid them where ever possible. Dr. Myers is an autoimmune expert. Just what we need! This e-course will guide you every step of the way.

Pillar Four - Use Food As Medicine

Migraines and Food is so important to me, especially after spending four years studying Chinese medicine, and a few more studying nutrition. I can choose what I put in my mouth. I can be proactive and help my body with nutritious foods and staying hydrated. I have a whole migraine food section that I hope you enjoy.

Share Your Story

As you know pain is very distracting. It is very hard to think straight with a migraine even if the pain phase is covered by your abortive, you may still experience confusion (or other migraine symptoms).

How do you deal with the uncertainty of migraine? Have a place to vent your anger and share your pain and feelings here at Migraine Savvy. Share your story with those of us who understand completely.

I hope you ENJOYED this issue of Surviving Chronic Migraine!

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And before I forget!

Please share this with your friends and family.

It’s time to spread the word about Migraines and educate our loved ones!

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